Outsource customer service

The beating heart of every online store: customer service. The customer service may in some cases be an underexposed aspect of online shops and retailers, however it is more important than ever. It concerns the complete customer experience: customers have the right to an individual who can inform them in the case of unexpected problems or urgent questions. Active Ants considers that customer service in the present is no longer a department that deals only with complaints. We prefer the term “account support”.

Increase your customer loyalty

In addition to ordering products online, you can also outsource customer service to us. Our customer service is always available to help your customer by phone, e-mail or chat. This enables your online shop to guarantee availability and increase customer loyalty. A good online store offers good support, is transparent, and wishes to respond adequately and quickly to the customer at any time of the day. In order to reach a returning customer your aftersales are an important extension from your services. Consequently your customer loyalty can be maintained or even increase!

For more non-committal information about outsourcing customer service, you can contact Active Ants on the following number: +31 (0)30 227 1000 or via info@activeants.nl.

Do you have any questions about our process? Dont hesitate to call us.

+31 30 2271000

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