Case Hubble Contacts: Fulfillment for hundreds of contact lenses per day

Hubble Contacts is an ambitious and fast growing American company. It achieved considerable success in the USA and Canada in these first two years. A couple of months ago, Hubble set its sights on entering the European market. To achieve this, they required a powerful fulfillment solution.

Striving for European success, Hubble Contacts found Active Ants at the end of 2017. Thanks to our flexible and decisive performance, customized advice and years of experience with fulfillment we are now at the start of a long-term, successful collaboration with Hubble Contacts.

About Hubble Contacts

Hubble Contacts offers the combination of high quality and affordable (daily) contact lenses for consumers. Based on a subscription service, users receive a new stock of daily contacts every month for an advantageous price.

Hubble Contacts provides a free starter package, containing 15 pairs of contact lenses. This way, users are able to get to know the product before they decide to get a subscription on the contact lenses.

Why Hubble Contacts has chosen Active Ants

When Hubble was looking to enter into the European market, the HDIC (Holland International Distribution Council) proposed multiple fulfillment companies for a collaboration. Hubble Contacts chose Active Ants for our international proposition, experience with the B2C market and a very positive reference of an existing customer: Hobbyking.

Through our service for Hobbyking, we proved that Active Ants is capable of upscaling in volume with ease. This strongly appealed to Hubble Contacts, since they have big plans for the future and were looking for a party which is able to expand with them.

About our Service for Hubble Contacts

Providing the monthly delivery of contact lenses and sending the free starter packs requires well coordinated logistics. Active Ants provides fulfillment for Hubble Contacts and takes it to the next level with expert opinion: as an experienced fulfillment company in Europe, Active Ants knows exactly how the logistics need to be arranged.

Furthermore, Active Ants has extensive experience with multiple delivery services. This ensures the party with the most fitting carrier profile can be selected for Hubble’s products.

Pick & Pack

Thanks to a link between Hubble’s systems and our Warehouse Management Software, we immediately receive accurate data. Incoming orders are carefully picked by order pickers, scanned and packed. With over 200 different products (SKU’s), careful scanning is of utmost importance. Every customer of Hubble Contacts expects contact lenses with the right prescription; we make sure that these are delivered according to expectations.

Customized Advice

Delivering Hubble’s contact lenses in European countries comes with a new challenge. In the United States, lenses are delivered as mailbox sized packages. European mailboxes, however, have different dimensions from American mailboxes; as a consequence the packages need adjusted dimensions to be sent as mailbox sized packages in Europe.

Active Ants has advised Hubble Contacts about the required dimensions, which led to Hubble changing the packages of the contact lenses. This way the lenses can be send as mailbox packages in Europe as well. This is more efficient as well as more cost-effective. For this non-trackable solution a collaboration with PostNL, a Dutch delivery service, has been established. Active Ants serves as a link between PostNL and Hubble Contacts.

Hubble's Experience with Fulfillment by Active Ants

The new collaboration between Hubble Contacts and Active Ants is smooth: Hubble appreciates the flexible and very thorough approach of Active Ants. We think along with every step in the process and together with Hubble we are looking at the future growth plans.

Moreover, Active Ants forms a link between Hubble Contacts and the delivery service, which Hubble perceives as very pleasant. Together with both parties we organize the entire process and we constantly keep Hubble well informed about the overall performance and processes.

Ambitious Future Plans: Rapid growth with Fulfillment from Active Ants

While Active Ants works hard towards organizing an optimal fulfillment trajectory, we are also looking at Hubble’s endeavor for their plans for the near future. The number of orders are increasing and Hubble focuses on entering new countries.

With Hubble’s goal to enter a new country every month, Active Ants will offer support to make sure that this process will evolve optimally. To do this we use our contacts with different transporters and use our years of fulfillment experience to make sure Hubble Contacts becomes as big a success in Europe as it is in the United States and Canada!

Do you have any questions about our process? Dont hesitate to call us.

+31 30 2271000

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