Valuable partnership: Active Ants now a Certified ChannelEngine Partner

Active Ants has teamed up with ChannelEngine to become a Certified ChannelEngine Partner. What does this label mean exactly, what does ChannelEngine offer and what are the benefits of the partnership for customers of both parties? We are happy to tell you more about it!

Easy and profitable international sales with ChannelEngine

ChannelEngine offers retailers and brands the opportunity to make full integrations with the largest and most important international marketplaces. Think of platforms such as, Zalando, Amazon and Ebay, which many consumers consider their first stop for online purchases.Crossborder Specialist

ChannelEngine offers all the possibilities to make crossborder sales as easy as possible. The very user-friendly system can be fully customised and contains many tools to overcome obstacles in this process. For example, currencies are automatically corrected and converted into logical prices for consumers, while prices can be adjusted based on competition and profit margins. In doing so, online shops are assured that products are always traded at a favourable price, regardless of the platform or the country of sale.

ChannelEngine is actively involved in supporting connected online stores, with both support from its own teams and support from a large-scale partner network. An important part of this partner network are the fulfilment companies that can support ChannelEngine's customers in the areas of order picking, shipping and ancillary activities.

In an interview with Jorrit Steinz (CEO) and Richard Noordervliet (Partner Manager Fulfilment, Tools & Services), both gentlemen state that ChannelEngine is selective in choosing fulfilment parties to work with: customer satisfaction is very important to them and they expect their partners to show the same level of dedication. Needless to say that Active Ants is proud to be a Certified ChannelEngine Partner!

An ideal partnership: the best of both worlds

Automated E-commerce FulfilmentThe collaboration with ChannelEngine did not come out of the blue. Both parties had come into contact with each other before during various events. The added value of collaboration also emerged explicitly from questions from our own customers. Jorrit and Richard indicated that ChannelEngine's clients are regularly looking for a reliable and efficient fulfilment party. Active Ants, on the other hand, regularly receives requests from clients to easily create links with the well-known marketplaces.

By working together, we can switch quickly and set up full integration with marketplaces and the necessary e-commerce fulfilment for customers within a matter of weeks. In this way, customers of Active Ants and ChannelEngine can quickly start international growth, while benefiting from an optimally organised online and logistic process. In other words, cross border sales are easier than ever and your online store can be sure that it is and will remain profitable.

The Active Ants & ChannelEngine experience about the partnership

"At Active Ants we are very happy with the new partnership", Jarno Twijnstra (Sales Manager) exclaims enthusiastically. Fortunately, the experience proves to be completely mutual! Jorrit and Richard explain: "ChannelEngine is very pleased with the smooth cooperation, Active Ants' speed and efficiency and high level of customer friendliness.”

Both parties have found in each other a strong partner with whom the e-commerce activities of joint customers can grow to great heights, without being held back by the barriers and obstacles of cross border sales.

Bright future

With the newly created ties and smooth cooperation, it has become easier than ever for our customers to expand their reach, bothdomestically and internationally. ChannelEngine's strong international focus, with offices in almost every continent, has made cross border sales a reality. Active Ants responds to this perfectly by specialising in cross border fulfilment, having no less than 13 different national and international carriers and the capacity to facilitate all additional shipments.

Would you like to know more about the possibilities of Active Ants' fulfilment services and the links to all major marketplaces through the ChannelEngine integration? Feel free to contact us for more information and to discuss the possibilities for your online store.

Do you have any questions about our process? Dont hesitate to call us.

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